dimanche 22 décembre 2013

“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly 

contagious as laughter and good humor.” 

Charles Dickens, A Christmas carol

A bowl of hot chocolate, the muffled sounds of your steps in the snow, warm woolen mittens, a red nose... I love winter. And here is a tune to accompany you during these cold grey days.

I haven't written in a long time... I thought winter break and the 22nd of December was a perfect opportunity. 
Christmas is approaching ! This is the time to read your timeless classic The Legend of Holly Claus by Brittney Ryan, and why not give it as a present to your friends and family ! You can buy the ebook here. It has the wonderful illustrations by Laurel Long like the hardcover and paperback books! 

"  We've only just begun to make dreams come true "

" As her homeland slipped quietly into the distance, Tundra waatched the girl he loved assume the majesty of a woman. "

Brittney, Holly, her friends and I wish you a wonderful christmas !

  • I know Christmas is coming when I can see my breath in the night air, when I turn on the heater, when my feet are cold, and the cats stay indoors....

How do YOU know Christmas is coming ?

dimanche 9 juin 2013

Guardian of your own destiny

It's been a long time ! But I like to think of time as an abstract notion, sometimes it doesn't really mean anything... Indeed when Brittney and I talked today, it didn't feel like we hadn't talked in months. We took up right here we had left off. 
Anyway, today Brittney told me some of the secrets of the Holly Forever movie... It will be about the second book, and the main theme will be... destiny! The very title of this blog: being the guardian of your own destiny. In the movie, Brittney wants to convey to all the children of the world (that is, kids, but also the child that stays in our hearts forever) the idea that we are all given a great destiny and that if we choose to follow it, it will lead us to our most cherished dreams. 

As the ambassador for Holly Claus of the Land of Forever, and as a young girl, I feel both excited and afraid of what's coming up in my life. Brittney wants us to know that by having and following your special dream, the destiny that unfolds before us is the path to the purpose of our life. There is no path without a dream, that's why nobody should be scared or ashamed or hopeless about dreaming. 
What if you have no idea what you were born to do ? Just try lots of different things that interest you ! You don't have to be sure of anything, you don't have to do what others tell you. If you want to be happy, just do the things that make you happy, and by doing this you will see opportunities coming to you. The path you choose to follow is empowering and what will happen, whether it seems good or bad, will always bring something more to your personality and will enable you to find your true self. 

dimanche 24 mars 2013

Update !

World Read Aloud Day: March 6,2013

On the occasion of World read Aloud day, Brittney Ryan was chosen by the children to read aloud passages of The Legend of Holly Claus. Here is a photo of her computer screen as the children were carefully listening to her storytelling! 

I told you about Alyssa and Lindsay's Amabassador blogs for Holly Claus. Alyssa had a Holly Claus birthday party not long ago, and here's a picture of the smiley, happy faces of her friends holding their copy of The Legend of Holly Claus ! The magic is spreading... watch out ! It may catch you very soon...

Alyssa and Brittney in her Princess studio 

I also told you about the movie... Brittney has been working on it with Fonda Snyder, who is a Consultant in Animation and  Development at Technicolor ! The first movie will bring elements of the mystical Land of Forever in a whimsical, eerie, mysterious way... It will be a sort of cross of Alice in Wonderland, The Legend of Narnia, Lord of the Rings... A modern fairytale, action-packed and full of fantasy. A story of the search for the unity of destined love, the quest of purpose and commitment... The deep connection between two powerful characters who are pursuing their mission. COMING SOON ! 

What would be YOUR vision of the movie ?

mercredi 27 février 2013

National Fairytale week

  The Legend of Holly Claus is my all-time favorite fairytale. 

       Like Alice in Wonderland or Mary Poppins, Holly Claus takes us into a magical, enchanted world: Forever, the Land of the ImmortalsOn the occasion of National Fairytale week, I will be comparing the sketches of these classic fairytales and showing the evolution from the concept artwork, to the illustrations, to .... the making of the awaited, Great, event classic movie !!!!

       Here are the concept art for Alice, Mary and Holly: 

The first concept artwork sketch for Alice 


and Holly ! The author Brittney Ryan was only 17 when she posed for this... I wonder who did for the first works of Alice and Mary ?

Brittney Ryan has inspired me into following my dream and accomplishing instead of hoping ! Stepping into your future... That's how you make your life your own fairytale.

 What's YOUR favorite fairytale moment ?

PS: We'll have a talk with Laurel Long who did the illustrations for Holly Claus in the next weeks ! Stay tuned ! 

lundi 18 février 2013

I have a friend in you...

Consider this letter from Claire: “I am a really popular girl at school, Holly. But Holly, I do not have any real friends, like you the ones you have with Tundra, Empy, Lexy, and Euphemia. Tundra always listens to you because he really cares about you and is your true friend. You and Tundra have shown me how to be a real friend . . . to listen. I’m going to try to be a better friend to everyone.”

Today I spent the afternoon with a friend I hadn't seen in six months. We had had conversations on the phone a couple times, and exchanged some text messages. But it's nothing like communicating for real. I realised how much I had missed out on her life, how she had gone through times she could have used a little support from me, and I wasn't there. And she had missed out on my life, too. Nevertheless, I think the meaning of true friendship is realising that even though you haven't been there for a friend in some time, they forgive you and you pick up your friendship where you had left it. I do regret that I didn't see her for such a long time and wasn't there to help her when she was undergoing hard times, and I promised myself not to let that happen again. I think Holly's friends are as true and sincere as to never let her down, and follow her anywhere she will go to find her destiny. Take Tundra for example, the great white wolf. Genuine, kind-hearted and courageous. We know Tundra will never let Holly down, and will protect her forever. Even when she grows up, marries and has children, we have a sense Tundra will always be there when Holly is in need of a friend.

Here is what author Brittney Ryan says about Holly Claus and friendship: 

What we adults can’t know about is what it’s like to be a child today and what it’s like to have a friend today. We don’t really understand the coded messages on their text messages, we don’t know the fear of bullies who band together and threaten their safety, and we don’t know what it’s like to have “friends” on Facebook and realize that maybe they aren’t real friends after all. That’s because we are adults today . . . and times are, indeed, different. We don’t see the world the way children see it. But Princess Holly does—she sees things in a kind of universal time, time that seems to exist in exactly every child’s moment. And through her, young readers can learn to treat each other lovingly.


Through Holly, you can understand the true meaning
of friendship, and find support and understanding 
when you feel left alone. I hope my message has inspired you to be good to others and yourself today, and forever. 


What is friendship to you ?

dimanche 27 janvier 2013

Why should The Legend of Holly Claus be made into a movie ?

Hi, this is Amelia, the Holly Claus amabassador to france ; and today I am wearing my producer cap ! 
Some say the legend of holly claus is screaming to be made into a christmas classic movie. So... why should it be ? Here are a few hints !

Unlike most stories these days, it offers a new world for all of us to discover together.
A truly magical Kingdom filled with Immortals : wonderful, magical, mythical characters, it reveals great legends and stories, and holds all the inventors, discoverers, artists, scientists of this world... The Kingdom of Forever, The Land of the Immortals is a wondrous place, it's alive. Imagine the special effects in creating this new magical Kingdom on the big screen.  The purple glimmering gates, the immaculate snow, ...

And Christopher's letter to Santa Claus, I mean come on Hollywood, you talk about your looking for great stories, here you have a poor boy, who has nothing, asking a great king who has everything, what he wishes for ? And that he would do anything to make the king's wish come true ! You could make an entire movie around just those things but it goes on... this story gives an honorable image of Santa Claus, it shows him as Father Christmas, a classic character, it shows him as a King in his vast Kingdom of Forever- not like these movies in which they make him look comical and ridiculous. 

Plus, it's got all the elements to make a great film : you've got your new heroine to the world of great literature, Holly Claus, seeking her destiny, her purpose. Her greatest desire is to give to the mortal world so she can save her kingdom. She has a heart that is passionate to find her way, she is strong willed and brave, she has her friend Tundra the great white wolf, so majestic and strong.
It's got the evil wizard Herrikhan, dressed in a cockroach gown, whom Holly defeats, with her genuine love for her kingdom and people.

So... here's a perfect and unique story, what is there more to ask ? IT IS A TIMELESS CLASSIC, LIKE THE WIZARD OF OZ OR LORD OF THE RINGS.  
The magical Kingdom, the characters, are filled with magic and enchantment, which kind of lacks in our world sometimes. So get the best people out there, Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron ! Make this wonderful and epic story into a mind blowing Christmas classic movie ! When it's made, I know it can win an oscar. Jeffrey Katsemberg said this, that I happen to agree with :


samedi 19 janvier 2013

Victoria Bouchard's Royal letter to Holly

Well this is from his daughter, Victoria:

Enjoy ! 

Lauching of the Holly Claus website

Today I am going to talk about ... the awaited lauching of the Holly Claus official website ! 

It will feature the current books, which are The Legend of Holly Claus and The Christmas Princess, Holly's Royal mail from children everywhere around the world, news about the motion pictures (how exciting!!) and much more..... like... The Ambassador blogs ! Apart from mine there is Patricia's from the philippines, and others, from Colorado and Canada coming.

I can't wait to finally see the result, it cannot be less than amazing! 

Meanwhile, the ebook is doing great, and here are some reviews on Holly Claus:
here, here, and here !


Aujourd'hui, je vais parler .... du tant attendu lancement du site officiel Holly Claus !

Il fera figurer les livres déjà publiés, qui sont La Légende de Holly Claus et La Princesse de Noël, le courrier Royal de Holly venant des enfants du monde entier, des infos sur les films (!), et bien plus.... comme.... les blogs Ambassadeurs ! Autre que le mien, il y a celui de Patricia aux philippines, et d'autres bientôt, de Colorado et Canada. 

J'ai tellement hâte de voir le résultat, ça ne pourra pas être moins que génialissime

En attendant, l'ebook est très populaire, et voici quelques avis sur Holly Claus:
ici, ici et ici !

samedi 5 janvier 2013


Buy the Holly Claus ebook here ! and discover a world of surprises, magic and love...

National princess week is coming up !

Holly's tiara...

How awesome would it be to have Holly Claus feature in the National Princess week ?

Yesterday I watched Mary Poppins, and guess what ? Julie Andrews is featuring National Princess Week ! 

just a spoonful of sugar...

La Semaine Nationale des Princesses arrive bientôt, en partenariat avec Disney ! Ce ne serait pas génial qu'Holly en soit la représentante ? 
Hier soir, je regardais Mary Poppins et devinez quoi.... Julie Andrews en parle ici ! 
 Paddy Calistro (Brittney's editor), Brittney Ryan and Laurel long

Brittney Ryan and Laurel Long

Hi everyone ! I have noticed how much you loved Laurel's artwork in the The Legend of Holly Claus.... I love it too ! What would you say about a special interview with Laurel ? Coming up soon.... Please post your questions for her ! 


Bonjour à tous ! Comme j'ai vu que vous appréciez beaucoup les illustrations de Laurel Long dans La légende de Holly Claus, je prépare une interview spéciale pour elle ! Qu'est ce que vous en dites ?
Postez toutes vos questions pour elle ici ! 

Alyssa and Lindsay

Welcome to our new Holly Claus Ambassadors from the state of Colorado ! 

Brittney Ryan, Alyssa and Lindsay in the Holly Claus Royal studio

mardi 1 janvier 2013

My favorite children's letters to Holly

Dear Holly,
  In a college student's world of seemingly endless textbooks, it's easy to push dreams aside simply because there doesn't seem to be enough time.  This winter break, I decided to indulge myself with a book for pleasure.  Your book called out to me at the bookstore and I purchased it with anticipation.  I was rewarded with a wonderful story that helped me to remember my own hopes and dreams.
I hope to never forget the ideas and dreams of your story.  Like Nicholas and Viviana, my greatest dream is to someday become a parent so I can help create and witness the delights the world has to offer for children.  My favorite childhood story to read to them will be The Legend of Holly Claus. 
Thank you again.
Your fellow believer,