" Soon they approached the gates of Forever, locked and silent beneath them on the snow-covered ground. Holly, her eyes fixed on those golden frames, forgot to breathe. Suppose they couldn't get through. But the sleigh sailed smoothly over the boundary that separated the immortal from the mortal world without a shudder or a pause. As her homeland slipped quietly in the distance, Tundra watched the girl he loved assume the majesty of a woman. "
p 244
I find this passage beautiful and very meaningful. It is a symbol of growing up and stepping into your destiny. Holly is accepting the majesty of a woman, by realizing she is becoming the woman she has dreamed of becoming, and enabling herself to take the responsibilities that are part of her future. It implies making sacrifices, for her it's leaving her homeland, but it might also be renouncing to a part of your life. Some say it's breaking away from being a child, but I think even if you have to renounce to childhood, it doesn't mean you have to abandon the child in you. Keep and cherish this child in your heart forever, make peace with yourself, and that's how you can make a step forward without regrets.
Je trouve ce passage beau et empli de signification. C'est un symbole du passage de l'enfance à la destinée. Holly accepte la majesté d'une femme, elle réalise qu'elle est en train de devenir la femme qu'elle a toujours rêvé d'être, et s'accorde de prendre les responsabilités qui font partie de son futur. Cela implique de faire des sacrifices, pour elle quitter un monde pour un autre, comme renoncer à une période de notre vie. Certains disent que c'est s'affranchir de l'enfance, mais je pense que même si c'est le cas, on est pas forcé d'abandonner l'enfant en soi. Gardez et chérissez cet enfant pour toujours, faites la paix avec vous-mêmes et vous n'aurez aucun regret à avancer dans la vie.
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