World Read Aloud Day: March 6,2013
On the occasion of World read Aloud day, Brittney Ryan was chosen by the children to read aloud passages of The Legend of Holly Claus. Here is a photo of her computer screen as the children were carefully listening to her storytelling!

I told you about Alyssa and Lindsay's Amabassador blogs for Holly Claus. Alyssa had a Holly Claus birthday party not long ago, and here's a picture of the smiley, happy faces of her friends holding their copy of The Legend of Holly Claus ! The magic is spreading... watch out ! It may catch you very soon...
Alyssa and Brittney in her Princess studio
I also told you about the movie... Brittney has been working on it with Fonda Snyder, who is a Consultant in Animation and Development at Technicolor ! The first movie will bring elements of the mystical Land of Forever in a whimsical, eerie, mysterious way... It will be a sort of cross of Alice in Wonderland, The Legend of Narnia, Lord of the Rings... A modern fairytale, action-packed and full of fantasy. A story of the search for the unity of destined love, the quest of purpose and commitment... The deep connection between two powerful characters who are pursuing their mission. COMING SOON !
What would be YOUR vision of the movie ?