dimanche 27 janvier 2013

Why should The Legend of Holly Claus be made into a movie ?

Hi, this is Amelia, the Holly Claus amabassador to france ; and today I am wearing my producer cap ! 
Some say the legend of holly claus is screaming to be made into a christmas classic movie. So... why should it be ? Here are a few hints !

Unlike most stories these days, it offers a new world for all of us to discover together.
A truly magical Kingdom filled with Immortals : wonderful, magical, mythical characters, it reveals great legends and stories, and holds all the inventors, discoverers, artists, scientists of this world... The Kingdom of Forever, The Land of the Immortals is a wondrous place, it's alive. Imagine the special effects in creating this new magical Kingdom on the big screen.  The purple glimmering gates, the immaculate snow, ...

And Christopher's letter to Santa Claus, I mean come on Hollywood, you talk about your looking for great stories, here you have a poor boy, who has nothing, asking a great king who has everything, what he wishes for ? And that he would do anything to make the king's wish come true ! You could make an entire movie around just those things but it goes on... this story gives an honorable image of Santa Claus, it shows him as Father Christmas, a classic character, it shows him as a King in his vast Kingdom of Forever- not like these movies in which they make him look comical and ridiculous. 

Plus, it's got all the elements to make a great film : you've got your new heroine to the world of great literature, Holly Claus, seeking her destiny, her purpose. Her greatest desire is to give to the mortal world so she can save her kingdom. She has a heart that is passionate to find her way, she is strong willed and brave, she has her friend Tundra the great white wolf, so majestic and strong.
It's got the evil wizard Herrikhan, dressed in a cockroach gown, whom Holly defeats, with her genuine love for her kingdom and people.

So... here's a perfect and unique story, what is there more to ask ? IT IS A TIMELESS CLASSIC, LIKE THE WIZARD OF OZ OR LORD OF THE RINGS.  
The magical Kingdom, the characters, are filled with magic and enchantment, which kind of lacks in our world sometimes. So get the best people out there, Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron ! Make this wonderful and epic story into a mind blowing Christmas classic movie ! When it's made, I know it can win an oscar. Jeffrey Katsemberg said this, that I happen to agree with :


samedi 19 janvier 2013

Victoria Bouchard's Royal letter to Holly

Well this is from his daughter, Victoria:

Enjoy ! 

Lauching of the Holly Claus website

Today I am going to talk about ... the awaited lauching of the Holly Claus official website ! 

It will feature the current books, which are The Legend of Holly Claus and The Christmas Princess, Holly's Royal mail from children everywhere around the world, news about the motion pictures (how exciting!!) and much more..... like... The Ambassador blogs ! Apart from mine there is Patricia's from the philippines, and others, from Colorado and Canada coming.

I can't wait to finally see the result, it cannot be less than amazing! 

Meanwhile, the ebook is doing great, and here are some reviews on Holly Claus:
here, here, and here !


Aujourd'hui, je vais parler .... du tant attendu lancement du site officiel Holly Claus !

Il fera figurer les livres déjà publiés, qui sont La Légende de Holly Claus et La Princesse de Noël, le courrier Royal de Holly venant des enfants du monde entier, des infos sur les films (!), et bien plus.... comme.... les blogs Ambassadeurs ! Autre que le mien, il y a celui de Patricia aux philippines, et d'autres bientôt, de Colorado et Canada. 

J'ai tellement hâte de voir le résultat, ça ne pourra pas être moins que génialissime

En attendant, l'ebook est très populaire, et voici quelques avis sur Holly Claus:
ici, ici et ici !

samedi 5 janvier 2013


Buy the Holly Claus ebook here ! and discover a world of surprises, magic and love...

National princess week is coming up !

Holly's tiara...

How awesome would it be to have Holly Claus feature in the National Princess week ?

Yesterday I watched Mary Poppins, and guess what ? Julie Andrews is featuring National Princess Week ! 

just a spoonful of sugar...

La Semaine Nationale des Princesses arrive bientôt, en partenariat avec Disney ! Ce ne serait pas génial qu'Holly en soit la représentante ? 
Hier soir, je regardais Mary Poppins et devinez quoi.... Julie Andrews en parle ici ! 
 Paddy Calistro (Brittney's editor), Brittney Ryan and Laurel long

Brittney Ryan and Laurel Long

Hi everyone ! I have noticed how much you loved Laurel's artwork in the The Legend of Holly Claus.... I love it too ! What would you say about a special interview with Laurel ? Coming up soon.... Please post your questions for her ! 


Bonjour à tous ! Comme j'ai vu que vous appréciez beaucoup les illustrations de Laurel Long dans La légende de Holly Claus, je prépare une interview spéciale pour elle ! Qu'est ce que vous en dites ?
Postez toutes vos questions pour elle ici ! 

Alyssa and Lindsay

Welcome to our new Holly Claus Ambassadors from the state of Colorado ! 

Brittney Ryan, Alyssa and Lindsay in the Holly Claus Royal studio

mardi 1 janvier 2013

My favorite children's letters to Holly

Dear Holly,
  In a college student's world of seemingly endless textbooks, it's easy to push dreams aside simply because there doesn't seem to be enough time.  This winter break, I decided to indulge myself with a book for pleasure.  Your book called out to me at the bookstore and I purchased it with anticipation.  I was rewarded with a wonderful story that helped me to remember my own hopes and dreams.
I hope to never forget the ideas and dreams of your story.  Like Nicholas and Viviana, my greatest dream is to someday become a parent so I can help create and witness the delights the world has to offer for children.  My favorite childhood story to read to them will be The Legend of Holly Claus. 
Thank you again.
Your fellow believer,